Main street end of 3rd
Perryville, Maryland  (& Perry Point )
Cecil County
   Perryville is actually the home of atleast two movie houses that we know of. The newer one , above, is the Perry , located just as you come into town from Rt40. We're aren't sure of the years of operation yet, but we're working on it. We're also not quite sure just how much of the shopping center the theatre took up. The building appears to be in good condition and is still being used.
  The second theatre would be the Perry Point Theatre , which was located on the Military base at the end of town.  We have found postcards of the old theatre, and even found it's location on an insurance map. However, checking the location of the theatre on a Google Maps view, it is clear that the old thetare is no longer standing , as are many of the homes that had once been around it. At last check the site is now an empty field.
